My Story
Meet Jennifer of Jennifer Parsley Wellness
Welcome. Thank you for your interest in me and the services that I provide. I am a PSYCH-K® Preferred Facilitator, Health Transformation Coach, Healing Touch, and Healing Touch for Animals Practitioner. I have over a decade of experience helping clients use the power of the subconscious mind to achieve the results they want in all areas of their lives. I also help clients and their companion animals to reach their health and healing goals.
Interestingly, I am also a chemical engineer with an MBA. For almost 20 years, I was working a corporate job in the chemical industry. I was working way too many hours and burning out fast. My mindset was full of stress and overwhelm and I was living in fight-or-flight mode. I was NOT making healthy choices in almost all areas of my life.
I immersed myself in entirely new fields of health and wellness research and training. I was able to make great progress with improving my mind, my body, and my life. Today, I live a joyful, healthy life with my wonderful husband Simon and our two cats, Basil & Bessie. I am able to do work that I truly enjoy and help others achieve their goals in life.
I would be honored to work with you if any of my experience, skills, and services would be of help to you.
Health & Mindset Inspiration
If you are interested in using the power of the mind to uplevel your life, I share mindset expertise every week, along with fun & insightful stories from my own life path from 80s hair band superfan > to chemical engineer > to health & mindset coach (what a journey!).
You will also see plenty of health promoting tips & recipes because I am blown away by the power of intermittent fasting + a healthy diet to prevent & reverse just about any health concern. Mindset plays a big part in health and healing too, the power of the Mind Body connection is pretty mind blowing.
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Work With Me
The Fast Track to Health: A Guide to Fasting & Nutrition
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Mindset Transformation
I use a simple, yet powerful process called PSYCH-K® to change subconscious beliefs that can be self-limiting and self-sabotaging. This is a groundbreaking approach to facilitating change at the subconscious level where at least 95% of our consciousness operates. This process transcends the standard methods of visualization, affirmations, willpower, and positive thinking. PSYCH-K® is especially effective in the areas of behavioral/habit change, wellness, and stress reduction.
Health Transformation
Personalized program to give you the resources & tools you need to achieve your individual health and healing goals. You will learn powerful natural health solutions such as diet, lifestyle, and mindset to help prevent, slow down, halt, or even reverse common health conditions such as heart disease, obesity, chronic pain, autoimmune conditions, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes, and many more.
Energetic Healing
Comprehensive energetic healing for you or your pets. Healing Touch work addresses people and animals on all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Restore balance and harmony in the energy system. I work with all layers of the energy field and energy centers. I receive messages from the higher self, guides, angels, soul family, and Source. Messages, insights, and resources are given at the end of these sessions to assist you on your healing journey.