More Progress Not Perfection tips this week if you are new to healthy plant based eating or even just thinking about this way of eating. I share a great video from Dr. Doug Lisle, a psychologist who works with my favorite plant based doctor, who I trained with, Dr. McDougall. Dr. Lisle really helps people work on mindset as they move toward a healthy whole foods plant based diet. His presentation puts foods on an A to F type grading scale to help you understand where you are at as far as a top grade, passing grade, or failing grade for different types of foods and meals.
I take Dr. Lisle’s grading scale a step further by adding in percentages and then thinking about your meal or even your entire week on this grading scale. I show you the math for a whole week of eating in a Progress Not Perfection way, as we do. We aim for A or B grade eating each week. For us, that means we can have 2-4 meals each week that are not perfect. Say, a restaurant meal, or a meal at home with a drink or two, or a sugary dessert.
And we don’t feel guilty about it. You shouldn’t either. An A or a B is a GOOD GRADE! Be proud of yourself. Don’t let a less than perfect meal or even less than perfect day or weekend derail you. Do the math, pat yourself on the back, and be proud of the fact that 80% or more of your meals were on track.
I also discuss meal planning to make those healthy meals at home easier. The Real World Plant Based Diet Meal Planning Made Easy Guide that shows the exact process I use to plan, shop for, and cook a week or more worth of top grade meals at home. Meal Planning every week is my SECRET WEAPON for staying healthy. When I know the house is stocked with all of the ingredients I need to make 6 or more healthy whole foods plant based meals, it’s so much easier to just pick a recipe and cook a healthy meal, because I know I have everything I need for it.
Dr. Lisle’s Continuum of Evil Presentation:
Get the Meal Planning Guide Here:
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