Let me share a little bit about my own goals for health & mindset in 2025. And then I will share some great tips & motivation to stay inspired and achieve our goals.
This girl has been on every diet imaginable! I am 52 years old and have been on a diet for some or all of about 40 of those years. I know some of you can relate. Or maybe exercise is your gig, fitness goals, gym goals, miles of walking or running.
All in the name of shaping that dream body, reaching some mythical ‘perfect weight’, or looking the way you want in clothes or a bathing suit
The dieting has sort of morphed for me over the last decade into more of a pursuit of ‘health’ and ‘healthy eating’, which can sometimes be a tricky/sneaky way of putting myself on a diet again. Ugh. Intermittent fasting and exercise regimens can also be diets in disguise. Can be. Nutrition, fasting, and exercise can also be extremely good for you and health promoting if done right.
It’s a slippery slope and something to be aware of and watch out for if your goals veer into unrealistic weight and body goals. This can often result in rebound eating, weight gain, and your poor body storing even more fat because it thinks you are trying to starve it. Which I have in the past. Many times. I am sorry body.
I am so glad my body is strong, resilient, and has been able to overcome a lot of the abuse it has been put through over the years. In my 50s, my body does not recover as quickly from a lot of things, so I am being extra careful and loving with all of my health goals and habits.
I have sort of known, but mostly ignored for decades, the fact that up to 95% OF ALL DIETS FAIL. Proven fact. The studies have been done. I am also learning with all of my health nerd research just how unhealthy weight cycling or yo-yo dieting is for our bodies. Gaining & losing weight with diets or other methods leads to overall weight gain and a lot of adverse health conditions in the long run. Oooops!
So for 2025, my personal goals are true, authentic health for my body and my mind. The goals aren’t a number on the scale or certain sized clothing. Just plenty of health, balance, love, joy, and peace in my life. I am measuring progress by how I feel each day. Learning, evolving, expanding, and growing in healthy ways. These goals feel very grounded, loving, and supportive for me and I hope your goals feel that way for you.
This Week’s Shot of MINDSET
Whatever your goals are for 2025, I hope to inspire and support you in any way I can. One of the best ways to achieve your goals in any area of life is to understand what is happening at the subconscious level as our thoughts and beliefs are operating 1,000,000X faster than at the conscious level. Whatever thoughts you catch in your mind, about a million more are on repeat at the subconscious level.
Those subconscious beliefs are mainly formed from birth to age 7, so all of that brain power is working on old programs, beliefs, and sometimes fears that formed at a very early age. Being able to access and see what is happening in the subconscious… and even better being able to change it to what we truly want & desire… is the super cool work that I do called PSYCH-K®. It is a superpower tool that I have been using for almost a decade now to grow and expand in healthy ways in all areas of my life.
How are you feeling about reaching your goals for 2025? Are you pacing yourself and still energized to make positive changes this year? Not participating in Quitter’s Day that I mentioned last week?
People are most likely to give up on their New Year’s resolutions on the second Friday in January, which is known as “Quitter’s Day”. According to studies, 80% to 88% of people fail to keep their resolutions within the first two weeks.
No matter how big or small your goals for expansion and growth may be, you absolutely can achieve those goals. Adjustments along the way are totally cool. PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION is always my motto.
Even if it is tiny little baby step progress, that is great. Forward momentum. We have a whole big year ahead. It’s only getting started. Tiny progress steps each day or each week add up to big changes over the course of a year.
This Week’s Shot of HEALTH
One of my favorite ways to stay motivated with health goals is to see people who are actually doing it and have made great changes in their lives. I love Success Stories!
I particularly love plant based diet success stories as that way of eating allowed me to get off of the extreme dieting roller coaster and restore my health over the last 13 years. This way of eating is very healing and health promoting and has been proven to help prevent & reverse a whole host of health conditions.
I know that people can achieve health with different ways of eating and I help clients do that all the time. You don’t have to eat a plant based diet like me and my husband. I certainly don’t require it for the Health Transformation work that I do.
People can do a ton of healing and transform their health on any diet. MINDSET is the root of most of the problems or blocks with health and the key to breaking free and making progress. We focus a lot on mindset in the Health Transformation coaching I do.
Here is a sampling of inspiring stories from people who set their minds to achieving all sorts of health goals:
- She put breast cancer and arthritis in remission and reversed osteoporosis and a lifetime of constipation.
- 77 year old woman lost 40 lbs in 4 months with no exercise, eliminated gluten intolerance and arthritis pain, reduced cholesterol & triglycerides, eliminated cholesterol meds, and is enjoying riding her horses again.
- This man had severe heart disease at 32, committed to big changes, lost 200 pounds, and completely reversed his heart disease.
- She saw all sorts of improvements in health markers and food + health care cost savings of over $12,000 per year.
- Multiple Sclerosis in complete remission, stopped her MS medications completely, and eliminated statins for cholesterol.
- A young Mother using diet to recover from cervical cancer and liver disease.
Get excited! Achieve your goals! I hope these inspiring stories get you fired up. These are just average everyday people setting their minds to achieving their goals for their health and their life. If they can do it, so can you!
P.S. As a reminder, I am offering 25% OFF on all of my PSYCH-K® Mindset Transformation packages and 12 Week Health Transformation programs to help you achieve whatever dreams you have for 2025. Discount Code 2025TRANSFORMATION will automatically be applied at checkout during the whole month of January.
![]() ![]() Jennifer Parsley |
If you are interested in using the power of the mind to uplevel your life, I share mindset expertise every week, along with fun & insightful stories from my own life path from 80s hair band superfan to
chemical engineer to
health & mindset coach (what a journey!).
You will also see plenty of health promoting tips and recipes because I am blown away by the power of intermittent fasting + a healthy diet to prevent & reverse just about any health concern Mindset plays a big part in health and healing too, the power of the Mind Body connection is pretty mind blowing.
You can learn more about the Mindset and Health Transformation work I do here:
I love hearing from you, so don’t be shy about commenting, especially if you have any questions.