It’s time to lose some weight! I am starting an all potato / single starch diet from now until Thanksgiving. I will share all of the details in the Real World Plant Based Diet Facebook Group:
Like many people this year, I have put on some pounds during the craziness of 2020. As I mentioned in last week’s video, I tend to use food (especially sugary treats) and alcohol to deal with anxiety and stress. I have put on 10-15 pounds this year.
I am trying the Mary’s Mini McDougall Diet, a single starch diet intended for quick weight loss, to shed a few pounds and reduce my BMI before the holidays. I am also implementing some key healthy habits and healthy mindset behaviors. Here is what this will look like for me:
1. Weigh myself every day and track weight, body fat %, and BMI.
2. I have a written list of reasons why I want to lose weight and the benefits of being at a lower BMI. I will read this list of advantages every day, a few times a day.
3. No more eating in front of the TV! I will sit down at the table and focus on enjoying my food.
4. I will eat when I am hungry and stop when I’m full. Slow it down girl! I normally eat so fast, I can stand to slow down so I can actually tell when I am satisfied, not stuffed.
5. Every meal will be based on potato as my main starch. Any type of potato or sweet potato. Vegetables, seasonings, and sauces are fine. No sugar. No alcohol. I have some tasty recipes from McDougalls, Potato Reset, and Spud Fit.
6. Regular exercise that feels good, as I always do, no special exercise plan. I am currently doing gentle yoga & dog walks most days, and plan to get back to short strength training routines.
7. I will keep a food journal in the Facebook group with pictures of what I eat every day.
8. I will probably not do it perfectly! That’s OK. I will get right back on track and keep going.
After my all potato diet, I will enjoy a healthy whole foods plant based Thanksgiving meal and assess where I am at with getting off the Quarantine 15. I may keep going with potatoes until Christmas. We shall see.
I would love to have you join me or even just check in if you are curious about my progress. If you have ever tried a Mary’s Mini McDougall Diet or an all potato diet for weight loss, please let me know in the comments. I would love to hear your experiences.
More information on the Mary’s Mini McDougall Diet: