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High Carb Diet

Quick & Easy Vegan BURGER NIGHT Recipes: BLT Ranch Burgers (2 burger options) & Baked Potato Wedges

This week’s video is for a super quick & easy plant based meal made with store bought vegan convenience foods.  Maybe not quite as healthy as homemade, but delicious and super easy to throw together on a weeknight.     I also give a quick &… Read More »Quick & Easy Vegan BURGER NIGHT Recipes: BLT Ranch Burgers (2 burger options) & Baked Potato Wedges

Mexican Couscous Bowls | QUICK + EASY + HEALTHY Plant Based Recipe

Hello Real World Plant Based Diet Friends!  This week’s video is another quick, easy, and healthy plant based recipe video.  This super simple couscous recipe comes together in 20 minutes or less and is a ONE POT MEAL (my favorite kind).  I created this recipe… Read More »Mexican Couscous Bowls | QUICK + EASY + HEALTHY Plant Based Recipe

Reverse Disease with Diet & Lifestyle

This week’s coaching video is about using diet & lifestyle to prevent, slow, stop, and even REVERSE most common lifestyle diseases.  This information is from a great book by Dr. Dean Ornish and his wife Anne Ornish called UNDO IT! HOW SIMPLE LIFESTYLE CHANGES CAN… Read More »Reverse Disease with Diet & Lifestyle

Interview w/ Stephanie James: We talk Mindset, Weight Loss, Quick & Easy Food Prep + MUCH MORE!

I am so happy to share my interview with my friend Stephanie James. She has lost almost 140 pounds and maintained it with a healthy plant based diet. She has her healthy vegan eating DIALED IN! She shares all sorts of tips & tricks that… Read More »Interview w/ Stephanie James: We talk Mindset, Weight Loss, Quick & Easy Food Prep + MUCH MORE!

3 Keys to Transition to Plant Based Eating in 2021 | Lose Weight, Get Healthy, Feel Better

Sharing my top 3 keys to making the transition to a healthy plant based diet in 2021: 1. MINDSET: Find Your WHY, your reason to keep going when it gets tough and get back on track when you get a bit off plan.  It… Read More »3 Keys to Transition to Plant Based Eating in 2021 | Lose Weight, Get Healthy, Feel Better

Medical Medium Protocols | Natural Healing for Liver & Adrenals | Hot Flashes & Night Sweats

Sharing more details about my healing path for my liver & adrenals. I truly believe (as does my Naturopathic Doctor) that an overloaded liver and adrenals are at the root cause of my current health issues, hot flashes & night sweats, AND at the root… Read More »Medical Medium Protocols | Natural Healing for Liver & Adrenals | Hot Flashes & Night Sweats

The MANY Health Benefits of Plant Based Eating

In this week’s video, I share more of the truly amazing health benefits of eating a healthy plant based diet (and not having to do it perfectly, we don’t!). I review a ton of information from my favorite plant based doctor, Dr. McDougall, who I… Read More »The MANY Health Benefits of Plant Based Eating